Saturday, March 17, 2012

Panasonic Lumix G2 Manual Focus with Nikon AIs lenses

Panasonic Lumix G2 Manual Focus with Nikon AIs lenses Tube. Duration : 4.42 Mins.

A brief demo of the manual capabilities of the Panasonic Lumix G2 including using a Nikon AIs manual focus lens. I was an advanced amateur in the film days and an early convert to digital photography, but this is my first serious digital camera (graduating from a super-zoom). I waited for a digital equivalent of my favorite camera, the Nikon FM-2 (compact, full manual control), but it never came. I even hoped to use my manual focus lenses again, but Nikon abandoned me - none of their entry dSLRs meter with AIs lens. I finally got the G2 after finding a Nikon to M4/3rds adapter. Guess what? It works! Not only does it meter with AIs lenses, but I can even use aperture priority auto-exposure mode. That was more than I expected. The hi-res LCDs and digital tools make manual focusing easy. I've finally found my digital FM-2 - Thank you, Panasonic!

Tags: pady.g2, jpady.g2,,, Panasonic, Limux, G2, dmc-g2, manual, focus, m4/3, micro four thirds, Nikon, AIS, howto, jimpady, jim.pady, g2.pady, g2.jpady, pady-g2, jpady-g2, jpady-review

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